
May in Evansville

May in Evansville meant an average temperature of 70 degree weather, and a chance of rain occuring at least once a week. We were able to make weekly trips to the library and take our bike out for a ride almost weekly, but with so much rain that meant there were also plenty of puddles to jump in.

Some significant events that occurred this month were:
-We biked to the church and back (a 4.2 mile trip one way)!
-We celebrated Mother's day by starting a garden
-Genelle's and I performed in a small dance performance on the 18th
-We made a family trip out to St. Louis over Memorial Weekend (to see the zoo)
-We visited 3 new parks and 2 lakes (Audubon Park, Smothers Park in Owensboro, Boonville City Lake/Park, and Scales Lake Park)!

We are excited to see all that June has in store for us!

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